Romans 6:1 is the Litmus Test for Grace

From Jeremy Myers at Redeeming God. Inevitably, whenever I speak or write about grace this way, someone objects that I am contradicting Paul who said in Romans 6:1 that we should not continue in sin so that grace may abound. Whenever someone asks this question, I am always pleased, because it shows that they are …

Outrageous Scandalous Grace – the only kind there is!

By Jeremy Myers at Redeeming God Grace is the key to everything. And I am not referring to the week-kneed, limp, powerless, feeble grace that you find in most Christian theology today, but the shocking, outrageous, scandalous, indiscriminate, senseless, irrational, unfair, irreligious, ridiculous, absurd, offensive, infinite grace which Jesus exhibited during His life. The only people who …